In this study, we used the broaden-and-build theory and emotional response theory as the framework to examine the effects of instructors' positive emotions on student engagement and critical thinking in U.S. and Chinese classrooms, as well as the mediating role of students' positive emotions in their relationships. MANOVA results revealed no significant cultural differences in student reports of their instructors' and their own positive emotions across the two cultures, but instructors from both cultures displayed more positive emotions than what students felt or experienced in the classroom. Hierarchical regression analyses results also showed that instructors' positive emotions had positive effects on student behavioral and cognitive engagement and critical thinking in both cultures, but the effects were largely mediated by students' positive emotions. Consequently, this study highlights the importance of instructors' and students' positive emotions in the classroom.
Communication Quarterly,2011年59(4):450-464 ISSN:0146-3373
Qin Zhang
[Castelluccio A.-A.; Zhang Q.] Department of Communication, Fairfield University, United States;[Zhang J.] School of Foreign Languages, Central China Normal University, China
[Zhang, Q.] D;Department of Communication, 1073 N. Benson Rd, Fairfield, CT 06824, United States
Chinese Teachers;Emotion;Emotional Labor;Teacher Burnout;Teaching Satisfaction
The current study was designed to examine the emotional labor of Chinese college instructors and its effects on teacher burnout and satisfaction. Four major findings were drawn: (a) of the three dimensions of emotional labor, Chinese college instructors engaged in deep acting the most and surface acting the least; (b) surface acting had deleterious effects on teacher burnout and satisfaction, but deep acting and authenticity had positive effects; (c) the three dimensions of emotional labor differed in magnitude as predictors of teacher burnout and satisfaction; and (d) both the emotional labor scale and the burnout scale conformed to the three-factor model with a Chinese sample.
Rome was not built in a day!任何学科的学习都讲究循序渐进、持之以恒,英语学习也不例外。不过跟理科讲究天赋与悟性不同,语言学习更强调"语言积累"。同一道数学题让老师给你讲解一遍多半就够了,但是同一篇美文让发音地道的老外给你读上十遍对你的影响和听一遍肯定大不相同。因此多听、多读、多说、多写是提高英语水平的必经之路。你不必感到枯燥,因为每一遍都会带来新的收获。
Cross-cultural validity of teacher immediacy scales is a constant concern in instructional communication research. The present study examines the validity of two existing teacher immediacy scales: the Revised Nonverbal Immediacy Measure (RNIM) and the Chinese Teacher Immediacy Scale (CTIS) in U.S., Chinese, German, and Japanese cultures. Results of confirmatory factor analysis and Pearson correlation provide evidence for the validity of both the RNIM and the CTIS. Overall, both scales are found to have adequate factorial, construct, convergent, and discriminant validity pan-culturally and within culture, despite some slight variations across cultures. Implications and future directions are also addressed.
Communication Research Reports,2006年23(3):199-207 ISSN:0882-4096
Qin Zhang
[Zhang Q.] Department of Communication, Fairfield University, Fairfield, CT, 06824, United States;[Zhang J.] School of Foreign Languages, Central China Normal University, China
[Qin Zhang] D;Department of Communication, Fairfield University, Fairfield, CT, 06824, USA
舍伍德@安德森(1876-1941)在美国现代文学史上享有非常特殊的地位.威廉@福克纳将他奉为"我们这一代作家的父亲",①而马尔科姆@考利也称他为"作家的作家,是他那一代讲故事者中对后一代的风格和视野都造成影响的唯一一位"(Bradbury,Malcolmand David Palmers 122).