Conceptualization, N.L.; Method, N.L, and A.C.M; Formal Analysis, N.L., A.C.M, and Y.C.; Investigation, N.L.; Recourses, Y.C.; Writing-Original Draft Preparation, N.L.; Writing-Review &Editing, N.L., A.C.M, and Y.C.; Supervision, A.C.M, and Y.C.; Project Administration, Y.C.; Funding Acquisition, Y.C. This research was funded by self-determined research funds of CCNU from the colleges’ basic research and operation of MOE’ (Grant No. CCNU19A03005&CCNU19TD023) and supported by China National Education Science Grant (2018-2020): Middle School Students’ Cognitive interaction and Social interaction in Collaborative Problem Solving (Grant No. BHA 180157).