This study explores the interactional functions of shiba(是吧)in Chinese daily conversation from an interactional linguistic perspective.An examination of the data shows that,in addition to acting as a tag question for the speaker to seek confirmation and alignment,some new interactional functions of shibahave emerged,such as response feedback.attention maintainer and so on.This article first describes the turn position and sequence position of shiba in natural conversation then explores some in teractional functions of shiba,and finally,the influence of the epistemic status on the interactional functions of shiba is discussed.This study reveals that the interactional functions of shiba is sensitive to the sequence position and is influenced by the epistemic status of the interlocutors.
"V 之 N" pattern can be used as double object construction in Classical Chinese. Under the function of "nouns realize the pattern" theory, it produced indirect object and direct object in the process of long-time using. Both of these two patterns coexisted in Classical Chinese but divided in Modern Chinese. They are continued to use in mandarin and local dialect respectively. For the powerful influence of mandarin, the usage of direct object has great priority while that of indirect object has faked. This paper makes reasonable explanation from the understanding and cognitive angle by applying the "heaviness hierarchy" principle proposed by Hawkin in 1983. The result indicates that the historical development and main usage formation of double object construction is in coincidence with the results from cognitive psychology experiment made by Arnold & Wasow in 2000.
Huang(2013) proposes a rule for coordinate connectives and holds that the coordinating conjunction that can match the English word and has not been grammaticalized in Chinese,though 'ranhou(然后)' in natural oral Chinese comes closest to being such a general conjunction. Based on a large number of language facts, this article reveals 'erqie(而且)'conforms to all features of a general coordinating conjunction, a better example than 'ranhou(然后)'.'erqie(而且)' is being grammaticalized to a coordinating conjunction in natural oral materials and tends to be used in written ones. The coordinating conjunction usage of'erqie(而且)' is testified by applying the method of Semantics Mirror proposed by Helge Dyvik in 2002.
“De(的)”is the most frequently used word in Modern Chinese and has three basic usages:1)a constructional auxiliary used as a marker of modifier;2 )a constructional auxiliary used as a marker of nominalization;3)a modal auxiliary used as a marker of stance.Based on a fairly large cor-pus,this paper analyzes the differences of “De(的)”between Macau Chinese and Mandarin Chinese. The research shows that the frequency of “De(的)”in Macau Chinese is much lower than that in Man-darin Chinese with a ratio of 1:1.7.The paper focuses on the three usages of “De(的)”,and com-pares their different functions in Macau Chinese and Mandarin Chinese,and finally discusses the grammatical variations of “De(的)”in Macau Chinese.
In Shaoyang urban dialect, sentences with "qing(请)" are usually used as the marked passive sentences whose typical pattern is "NP1+qing+NP2+VP2". Such a constitution is charac- teristic of two outstanding aspects: the complexity of VP2 and the obligatoriness of NP2. Passive sen- tences with "qing" have two basic pragmatic functions: 1)emotional function, which expresses the speakers’subjective emotion and unexpected feeling;2)positioning function, which is used by the speaker to position the patient as a victim role to imply the patient's inability to control their behavior. Like the formation of passive category in many other languages, passivity of "qing" in Shaoyang urban dialect has developed from causativity, namely requests〉causativity〉unwilling permission〉passivi- ty.